
ADA Equality Policy

The Management and the Equality Committee are based on the conviction that non-discrimination, equality and the conciliation of family, work and personal life make it possible to value and optimize the potential and possibilities of all human capital while improving their quality of life. life, which results in an increase in productivity in the company.

Management Commitment to Equality

Equal treatment and opportunities for women and men has been a reality in ADA since its inception. However, to go one step further in effective introduction of the principle of gender equality andIn all the policies developed by the entity, since 2017 we have been working on the implementation of the 1st Equality Plan. We consider the Equality Plan as a work tool agreed upon by all social parts of the company, with a focus on continuity and that will ensure equality between women and men within the entity.


Our first step was to establish a express and public corporate commitment, which had full approval by all our staff. We expect the same reception among our interest groups. There was also established a Internal Equality Committee, which actively works to meet the objectives and actions of the Equality Plan.

Commitment documents

Management's commitment to equal treatment and opportunities between women and men. View Document


Management's commitment against all types of harassment in the field of labor and personal relations of ADA. View Document

Equality Plan

After the signing of the corporate commitment and the creation of the Equality Committee, we began the diagnostic phase, which allowed us to know the starting employment situation to improve and, based on the preparation of the Equality Plan, what we intend to progressively achieve.


Once the prior diagnosis phase was carried out, some objectives and measures in line with the improvement of our organization with regard to the integration of the gender perspective.

Objectives of the Equality Plan

01 Definition of the company's action strategy during the period 2018-2022
02 Integration of the gender perspective transversally in the company culture
03 Promotion of equality in all areas of the entity
04 Elimination of any type of discrimination, direct or indirect, in access to employment, hiring, training, professional promotion or remuneration
05 Promotion of the reconciliation of personal, family and work life of the people who make up the workforce, promoting co-responsibility
06 Guarantee of health, working conditions and professional development of remaining workers or former mothers
07 Prevention and efficient action in cases of sexual harassment and harassment based on sex
08 Monitoring inclusive use of verbal and visual language

Miembros del Committee

  • Carlos Piñeiro
  • Elia Lorenzo
  • Gema Montalvo
  • Joaquin Morales

Featured actions

  • Training delivery in footing
  • Preparation of the Protocol against harassment
  • Awareness triptych footing
  • Anti-bullying awareness triptych

Actions in 2019

  • Time registration web application to be able to maintain teleworking
  • Update of the Conciliation Guide

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