Control health, the use of vaccines and antimicrobials on your farm

Know and control the health of your animals with a real-time map of existing pathologies and how they are treated

We have developed a system that allows the collection of all data related to medication and vaccination programs accurately and efficiently, as well as control of health status of pig farms in real time called PorciTRAX.


PorciTRAX is a novel system for monitoring the health and antibiotic consumption of pigs that will allow you to improve the efficiency on your farm and that has the online support from a veterinarian expert.


The system, aimed at both producers and veterinarians, consists of a web application that facilitates theintroduction of vaccines and medicationsadministered to the pigs from different devices, allowing their online analysis in real time.


You will be able to reduce the use of antibiotics on the farm by individually controlling pathologies in pigs and implementing vaccination plans adapted to the conditions of each farm.

What advantages does PorciTRAX offer you?

Two-way communication with farms.Being able to receive data from them and show information or advice and work protocols to the staff.

It facilitates the instant communication with a veterinarian to comment on any question via WhatsApp

It generates warnings and alertswhen you enter the system, so you can start taking care of pending tasks or warnings (vaccinations, health alerts, ...).

Allows to know the dosage used of each antibiotic for each disease and whether it is carried out in a tight, excessive or deficient manner.

It allows batch/farm comparisons to easily perform field trials. Thus, the comparison of vaccines, drugs, feed additives, genetics, etc., is very simple.

Suggest the appropriate dosage of each antibiotic according to age/weight of treated animals

Allows know the mortality rate, when animals die and why in transitions and bait.

Allows to define the genetics of the animals in order to continuously evaluate the health performance and robustness of each crossbreed.

Aggregate and save batches and farms to get a comprehensive view of production in a company or set of farms

Allows the creation of a farm or company media library (photos, videos, audios or pdf), which stores the material generated, and can be used for historical records, training, traceability, etc.

Do you want more information about PorciTRAX?

What they say about us

“I have been working with ADA for 18 years. In addition to the professionalism of the entire team, the quality of communication and personal relationships make collaborations very efficient and pleasant.”

Dr. Thierry Pobel – Director of TPCBiomed

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