Posters y presentaciones orales

Generamos información que devolvemos al sector en forma de publicaciones

Con el análisis de todos nuestros datos, hemos generado más de xx posters y realizado más de xx presentaciones orales en congresos de ámbito científico tanto nacionales como internacionales.

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Evolution of reproductive performance in spanish farms in the last 10 years and prediction for 2020. Impact of farms’ size. M Ángel de Andrés, Armando Occón, Celia Santiago, Inmaculada Díaz, Carlos Piñeiro, María Aparicio. 11th European Symposium of Porcine Health Management (ESPHM). Utrecht, Netherlands, 2019. (Presentación Oral)


Impact of runting on colostrum intake, survival chances and development. J. Jourquin, J. Morales. European Symposium of Porcine Health Management (ESPHM). Barcelona, 2018. (Presentación oral).


Effect of dietary net energy and digestible lysine levels on growth performance and carcass composition of finishing pigs. Joint Annual Meeting of American Society of Animal Science (ASAS). J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 95, E-Suppl. 4. Pág. 208-209. Baltimore, MD, USA, 2017. (Presentación oral).


Lactobacillus acidophilus fermentation product as an alternative to therapeutic zinc oxide in weaned pig diets on performance and response to Escherichia coli challenge. X. Guan, B.E. Bass, P.J. van der Aar, C. Piñeiro, J.W. Frank, J. Morales, F. Molist, D.J. Cadogan.16th Australian Pig Science Association (APSA) Conference. Melbourne, Australia, 2017. (Poster).


Productivity of both high and low prolific sows on high-performing farms is greater than those on low-performing farms. S. Tani, C. Piñeiro, Y. Koketsu. 10th International Conference on Pig Reproduction, Columbia, Missouri, (USA), 2017. (Poster)


Characterizing eating behaviour and amount of feed offered to pregnant pigs under an electronic sow feeder system: associations with subsequent farrowing performance. R. Lida, C. Piñeiro, Y. Koketsu. 10th International Conference on Pig Reproduction, Columbia, Missouri, (USA), 2017. (Poster)


Pigs at risk: Impact of birth weight on piglet survivability. J. Jourquin, J. Morales, C. Bokenkroger. 24th International Pig Veterinary Society Congress & 8th European Symposium of Porcine Health Management. Abstract book, p 150. Dublin (Ireland), 2016. (Presentación oral).


Physical castration affects the health and productive performance of pigs in the suckling period. L. de Frutos, J. Morales, A. Manso, C. Piñeiro, A. Dereu, N. Wuyts. 2016, 24th International Pig Veterinary Society Congress & 8th European Symposium of Porcine Health Management. Abstract book, p 154. Dublin (Ireland), 2016. (Presentación oral).


Impact of piglet birth weight increase on survivability and days to market, a simulation model. J. Jourquin, J. Morales, C.D. Bokenkroger. 2016, ASAS Midwestern Section. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 94, E-Suppl. 2. P. 33. Des Moines (USA), 2016. (Presentación oral).


Benchmarking for reproductive performance and lifetime performance of female pigs on high-performing farms in Southern Europe. S. Tani, C. Piñeiro, Y. Koketsu. 24th International Pig Veterinary Society congress + 8th European Symposium of Porcine Health Management, Dublin (Ireland), 2016.


Characteristics of repeat-breeding female pigs on southern EU commercial farms”, S. Tani, C. Piñeiro, Y. Koketsu, 24th International Pig Veterinary Society congress + 8th European Symposium of Porcine Health Management, Dublin (Ireland), 2016.


Case report: Monitoring of PCV2 maternal derived antibodies levels in 3 week old piglets in 29 Spanish commercial farms. S. Figueras, I. Hernández, V. Rodríguez, L. Sanjoaquín, A. Finestra, J.A. Varo, C. Piñeiro, 7th European Symposium of Porcine Health Management (ESPHM). Nantes (France), 2015.


Meta – analysis of the effects of Draxxin® injectable on swine respiratory disease. J. Morales, P. Doncecchi, A. Dereu, C. Piñeiro, E G Manzanilla 7th European Symposium of Porcine Health Management (ESPHM). Nantes (France), 2015.

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