Quality certifications

Quality Assured Studies

In order to guarantee the quality of the studies developed by the ADA Applied Research Department, a Quality System has been established.

This system is based on VICH GCP GL9 standard (Good Clinical Practices or GCP). Adherence to this standard ensures good work in three fundamental aspects:

The data and results reported are complete, correct and accurate.

They have ensured the well-being of the animals used in the study and the protection of the environment.

The safety of human and animal food chains has been guaranteed.

ADA research team receives continuous training of GCP, management and welfare of research animals, statistics and complementary training appropriate to the studies.

The ADA Quality Department ensures that studies maintain the required quality standards and the objective of continuous improvement.

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What they say about us

“I have been working with ADA for 18 years. In addition to the professionalism of the entire team, the quality of communication and personal relationships make collaborations very efficient and pleasant.”

Dr. Thierry Pobel – Director of TPCBiomed

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